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Prosperity: A successful, flourishing or thriving condition; good fortune.

A new year has begun and I'm sure we all have set resolutions for ourselves. Whether we have or not, I'm sure we all strive to be better than we were before and do better than we have done. For me, to be prosperous, I've realized I must not only set goals for myself (it helps to write them down), but setting realistic ones. Of course I could say, "Make $1M", but realistically, how would I do that without creating a plan, working towards and through that plan and being consistent towards achieving it? With each new year, I reevaluate my finances. This includes savings and debts(if any). I'm also l looking into new stocks I can afford to invest in, and any way I can save a dollar I'm doing just that. That being said, I also began taking myself on trips instead of wasting funds at a club every other week. It's much more fulfilling, especially as i get older. Prosperity is a journey not a destination and I am so far enjoying this ride. How can you Prosper? What will you do?

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